The Role Of Everything
The Role Of Everything
Freewill must exist for love to have any meaning at all. And evil, or anything other than love, must exist for love to exist. And not only must the other exist, it must be the easier to take part in and more abundant, in order for the choice of love to have the rarity and importance to make it worthy of it's expression. So evil or anything antithetical to love is an integral part of creating the space and meaning for love to exist in. Without the other, love loses its meaning. It is on us to choose to take part in the deepest meaning of love rather than the easier and more common other.
So when people say things like, "if God exists why is there so much evil in the world?" It's a question without enough understanding to be answered honestly. This is all part of the whole. Even the painful and uncomfortable parts. After all, duality is just an illusion. Love is just the goal.