Surprise Surprise...A College Bribery Scandal

Who is it that's actually surprised by this college bribery scandal at USC? Where do you think we are? This is America; did you really think that this is the land of the free and equal? Tell me you didn't actually believe that shit. cute.

It used to be injustice that stoked my fury but that fire fell to ashes long ago. Nowadays it's the willful ignorance, the hypocrisy and mock indignation that gets to me. And it's not fury as much as it's a frustrated disappointment.

All I'm asking for is a little honesty so our brothers and sisters, who are less adept at CRITICAL THINKING, can stop running around under hypnosis blindly believing this false narrative that everything is equal and fair. Please, for my sanity, stop using words like justice and equality so loosely.

I'm not making some whiny bleeding-heart judgment either way. I'll say it again: I'm a realist. Or at least I think I am. It's all ones and zeros when I look at the scale and sadly, the qualities of injustice, corruption, and greed seem to be an inherent aspect of our collective human nature left UNCHECKED; an aspect that's anything but new.

If any of this is ever going to change we, as a society, have to wake up to this reality. We have to let go of the childhood beliefs of Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, Class Equality and Honor.

When you really look at these complex forms of corruption, where the guilt is diffused over many people, all just individual cogs in a much bigger wheel, it becomes harder to pin down a single evil doer.

Who are the Cruella Devilles in this scenario?

The parents? They aren't boiling puppies to make fur coats; they ARE exerting their influence and exploiting greed to get their little spoiled underachievers into a college they may not have otherwise been accepted to. I'll give you that; it was 100% honor less, but I wouldn't exactly call it evil.

So is it the kids? Those dimwitted blue-faced zombies, with the latest smart phones surgically grafted to their selfie hands, tweeting and snap chatting about the consistency of their latest bowel movement? Come on, at best, they're entitled dolts, not masterminds.

The college administration officials? If it was a single person who guarded the gates--then maybe; if it was some blue-blooded dean of admissions who was simply green-lighting any applications that had a reputable last name and a hundred dollar bill attached, then maybe. But that's not what it was. From my understanding it was an intricate, multi-tiered system of deception involving forged SAT scores, fraudulent athletic credentials, and outright bribery.

I'm not saying that there's not blame to go around, there almost always is, and rarely will you hear me side with the wealthy and the privileged. I just wish everyone would stop acting so surprised and save their outrage for the actual problem and not just two WASPy trophy wives who were trying to get their little dummies into a better school. This "SCANDAL" is a SYSTEMATIC problem that reaches so deep into the bedrock of our culture that it's bordering human nature.

We are in a honor less culture, so stop doing a spit take every time someone acts dishonorably. Try and offer some solutions, or at least try to understand the problem with a little more depth.

Unfortunately, without a complete recalibration of our compass, things like this will continue to happen. If we want real change, we have be more than just consumers chasing the biggest shiniest piece of cheese at any and all costs.

This never-ending rat race, where money is the end-all-be-all, is the soil that will consistently produce the fruits of corruption so bountiful. (Major QUOTE ALERT!!!!! [DJ Khalid] BERNNN-BERNNN-BERNNNNNNNN [hip hop air horn]

This is one of the major differences between a society where MONEY is god and a society where HONOR is god. The legendary samurai, Miyamoto Musashi, wasn't taking bribes and rigging sword duels for his more wealthy students. Hell, the guy was barely showering...but he never lost a duel and was always respected.

If we want to really stop this type of shit from happening we have to get our hands dirty, our backs sore, and change everything, from root to leaf... but that's not what we want, not really anyway. It's just enough for us to show a little mock outrage, string up a few sacrificial evil doers, and keep it moving...after all, the new episode of the Real Housewives of Hollywood is about to come on and we still gotta take pictures for varsity baseball. Oh and softball. Oh, and I almost forgot about football, and track, backgammon, flag folding, volleyball, golf club, water polo, actual polo, tennis, beach volleyball, home ec', bowling, chess, swimming, diving, and year book committee.... oh and photo club too.

Wake the fuck up; The game is rigged and you know it. The only way around the bullshit is to stop playing entirely; stop chasing a piece of cheese they'll never let you reach. Stop running their race and game, and maybe the game will finally change...or at least stop acting so surprised every time a rat steps on another rat to get closer to the cheese.

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