Meditating On Love

James Allen: What you set your mind on so you become.

Meditated on Love this morning.

It dawned on me how strange it is, the way we hold on to Love. We store it like it's some disposable currency. We dole it out, miserly, to those we "deem" worthy, and neglect everyone else. We hesitate to even say the word for fear we won't get it returned with interest.

A hideous distortion of something so beautiful. Have we ever gotten something so wrong?

Love is not limited. It's not kept in a warehouse that will one day be barren. Love is not about losing something. You can never go broke.

We use Love like a rich man, who lives in a dirty hotel on a diet of unflavored rice, uses money. Our misunderstanding means we willfully deprive ourselves of the most freely abundant and wonderful resource at our disposal.

From now on, telling someone I love them will not be a bargaining chip. It will not be risk assessed. It will not be negotiated. I do not need it returned. You can keep it. I will never run out. And I don't care if it makes you uncomfortable. Stop being weird. Gains in love are only made by spreading the shit around.

As far as I can tell, love is the highest ideal of this physical sandbox that is our Universe. We arose from the inert matter here to experience Love, to express Love, to be Love. In my deepest moments of mediation, I can see clearly that everything else we hold dear pales in comparison to this purpose.

So stop wasting time.

Let the walls around you crumble.

There is no such thing as wasting Love.

Go out there and dip your toe in the pool. Test the waters. Better yet, take a shot of tequila, strip naked and jump, like a banshee, into the raging rapids of Love.

Pick up your phone, call someone, send a text, get on Skype or Facetime, or tie a note around a brick and throw it through someone's window, and tell them you love them. Today. And learn how to mean it.

Stop standing there on the edge confused about what you're here to do. Jump in ... the water feels fine.

Oh, and I LOVE you.

This has been another installment of the "Annoyingly Positive Meditation Chronicles Of Bobby C."


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