Trump's Marks

Disclaimer: There are arguments to be made for the political positions that Trump used to get elected, that's not what I'm talking about here. I'm talking about the idea that many, seemingly normal, people actually believed that he gives a shit about them or their perspectives, in any way that isn't completely self-serving.

Trump's Marks

The most infuriating aspect of this presidential fiasco isn't that Trump is a narcissistic conman, a complete moral degenerate, and a self-serving weasel of a man. No, a much more jaw-clenching, rage-inducing frustration is realizing that there were so many people completely unable to see this con-job coming from a mile away. It's so disheartening, and honestly terrifying, that such a large percentage of our population is—to put it bluntly—completely, utterly, and ignorantly naive to what was once indispensable to human survival: INTUITION...a healthy, functioning, sense of intuition.

What chance do we have, when nearly half of our brothers and sisters are proving to be a conman's wet dream. 

In the fast-paced hardscrabble life I've lived--the life of addiction and incarceration--you become incredibly adept at sizing people up, their motivations, intentions, and character. You have to be able to do this if you want to survive, which is why it's so painful to see that this seemingly inherent trait, of intuitive judgment, might not be so inherent after all.

I doubt our collective downfall will be at the hands of illegal immigrants, terrorist attacks, or our involvement in NATO. We will likely be brought to our knees from a blow to our blind spot, from our diminishing ability to distinguish ally from adversary, even when warning signs are there for us to see, if we were to use just the slightest bit of intuition. At some point we seem to have developed a blind spot to impending danger, as long as it's disguised by thinnest of veils. This nation could be brought down by the manipulation of our emotional weaknesses, cognitive dissidence, and naiveté. These socially unaware Americans—ironically, often positioned on the right--who think they're mentally tough free-thinkers, who are willing to stand up and fight, have proven to be so easily controlled and manipulated.

These intuitively blind citizens are proving to be--at the very best: spineless political survivalists, willing to abandon the core beliefs and values they once up held as armaments of honor, who now have to rely on a blinding cognitive dissidence like moral life-support. That's the lesser of two evils--the worse, because it's more dangerous, are the clueless dolts with no internal radar or ability to judge the character of someone willing to do them, or our country, harm.

I'm sorry, but the reasons you've given yourself, for voting for Trump are meaningless. The fact that you cast your vote in that direction is diagnostic in nature. You're inevitably one of the two; a self-serving weasel or completely naive. Your vote, is a symptom of a much deeper flaw. It speaks volumes about you, and not so much about your political views, but about your inability to judge character, your inability to discern the most basic of human behaviors.

Our nation has become populated, for whatever reason (I suspect a lack of Darwinism), by people that would make a conman salivate and the crotch of his pants swell in excitement.

Your vote for Trump doesn't necessarily mean you're a bad or evil person, in actuality, it could be much worse. It could mean you're a clueless, potential victim waiting to be conned, a mental rube with no real internal antenna for a person's character, motivation, or intention. You could, in fact be, the end of an evolutionary road that has led to the blinding of our intuition... It could mean you're a mark, who wouldn't last a day in prison, or any other survival of the fittest environment.

Perhaps the most infuriating aspect of this national train wreck, is being a part of the group who saw all this chaos coming from a mile away and still having to sit and watch the rest of you slowly realize what was painfully obvious to anyone with the ability to read people. The tragedy is having to suffer the effects of a swindle we never fell victim to, a lie we never bought into, a dream that 'you' were sold, but that we 'all' have to pay for, and it's bullshit.

So, I wanted to say thanx to all you sad delusional marks, for selling us, yourself, and the rest of the country down the river for a few "magic beans" from a douchey, spoiled, deviant, spineless, draft-dodging, mentally deficient, inarticulate, rich kid with a shitty comb-over...

Make America Great Again? Not possible... but not for the reasons you think: roughly 30% of America is either self-serving assholes, or naive, delusional, pie-in-the-sky, rubes with an inability to recognize a con, and zero intuition.

The official burial of American exceptionalism has been dated at 2016, though—it should be noted—the time of death was a long, long, time before.

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