
You thought you we're done. How naive. Look at you now, on an all too familiar road, headed to a town you hate. Full of people that tried, for years, to kill you.

No one made you stick out your thumb.

And now you feel like shit. In your heart you feel a weight, a pain you swore would never touch you again.

There is no one to hate, no one to blame, but yourself.

You also know, that to hate yourself is not enough to get you off the road. You know all this and still you keep doing the same shit. Why do you punish yourself? 

You don't have to.

You don't deserve it.

Why don't you LOVE yourself enough to be YOU?

This is not destiny. 

You're smarter than that!

You have everything you need to conquer the Devil himself.

Why do you refuse to fight?

You are no pacifist.

You do not have to take on the sins of the world.

It is not your job.

Even these words will not be enough...or will they?

The never-ending decision is yours. It's always yours. It always has been.

What is time? It never stops. Not in these three dimensions, not for you.

Let go of the idea that there is a way out without discomfort. Even if there was, it's not the way you need to do this.

Can you not find the strength to let a few days pass?

Your excuses hold no water.

You pulled the pin but won't throw the grenade. You can do nothing of meaning while holding a live explosive.

Let it go!!!

You've suffered much worse already.

You WILL survive.

You CAN do it.

You're letting ego, rather than your heart, guide you.

You owe it to Monica

You owe it to Cassius

You owe it to Naaji

You owe it to Mom

You owe it to Amber

You owe it to Andrea

You owe it to everyone who believes in you, but you can't do it FOR them. You can find strength IN them, motivation, love, and inspiration IN them, but you have to do it for YOURSELF.

You owe it to YOU.

BC KimComment