Radio Waves

We are not our wires or knobs, our essence is not in our buttons or dials, we are not our displays or circuit boards, and you will not find us in our speakers, or casings, we can't be defined by our batteries or power-cords, and we will not know ourselves in our receivers or antennas...

We are not the individual technology we think we are.

Behind the illusion; behind it all; at our very essence, we are simply the Song of the Universe. We are God's melody--transmitted through this radio. And after the radio has served its purpose; long after the case has cracked, the dials are broken, the power-cord frayed, and the antennas bent, after our receivers become useless and discarded--the transmission will go on...

Forever, the song is broadcast.

It is on the rhythm of the waves that our essence is to be felt, the sound of the vibration that you will find who we are, the frequency of the transmission that we will truly come to know ourselves and the reality of this experience.

Never forget: We are Radio-Waves...Not Radios...

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