Trinity Test

The Trinity Test

I've come up with a test that cuts to the core of what it takes to be a tolerable human being (at least to me [and especially in prison]). Three simple questions, to determine a base level of decency and self awareness necessary to be the least bit likable (again; to me). To fail this simple Trinity; is to fail at Life (you get the picture).

—Question 1. Have you ever seen a picture, video, or reflection of yourself in a mirror and thought, some version of: "Oh my god, I'm kinda ugly. I can't believe I've been able to convince anyone to have sex with me?” Example: maybe I'm not as attractive as I think I am.  And I don't mean often, or even occasionally, but just once in your life, have you ever questioned the authenticity of your "undeniable" beauty?

—Question 2. Have you, on occasion, had the thought: "I'm a fuckin idiot," cross your mind?

—Question 3. Concerning the meaning of life, have you often thought, "I have NO idea what the F%#@ is going on"?

If a person answers "Yes" to just two of these questions (depending on which two) they may turn out to be somewhat tolerable.

Do not, under any circumstances, engage in anything more than a superficial conversation with anyone who answers "Yes" to only ONE of these questions. Somewhere in the, 'paper or plastic, regular or unleaded,' type of interaction.

I have found that if a person fails to answer "Yes" to ANY of these questions, they are either a liar, or completely delusional. Neither of which I have the time or patience for. So run, don't walk, in the other direction.

If you happen to find someone who answers 'Yes" to ALL three questions of the trinity, then congratulations; you have found one of the increasingly rare, slightly honest, somewhat humble, and reasonably self aware, human beings.

This test by no means guarantees to reveal a charismatic genius, or a charming eccentric. I have found, that these three questions seem to be a good indicator of the foundation it takes to build a decent and tolerable personality on.

It is an affective tool to weed out the delusional, self-centered, ego maniacal bores in life.

I've been giving this little survey to many of the people I know in here. Those who answer "No", as if would be ridiculous to answer any other way, happen to be the most annoying and arrogant dullards you would ever want to meet. Luckily they are the minority (which says more about who I choose to kick it with than the actual types of people in here). 

Those who answer "Yes" (to all three) are the funniest, wittiest, most self-aware and interesting people that I know. Their grasp on reality and their questioning nature makes for a great friend in navigating this strange, strange ride.

So what does all this mean? Just something that should be obvious (to those that are paying attention): the best people to be around are the ones who don't take life, but more importantly; themselves, too seriously. And these three questions seem to be a good indicator of such irreverent qualities.

BC KimComment