Being in here is a strange experience. This is the closest that someone can come to limbo. We do exist. We are alive, but in an alternative sense of the word. We are caught between two worlds. This place is a realm of its own. A completely separate culture. We have our own language, customs, laws, moral codes, etc…and though we're fully immersed in this lifestyle, in this limbo, we do catch glimpses of the real world

We receive messages in bottles from TV, magazines, and books. We are reminded of the progression of the World while stuck in stasis. The world happens elsewhere, without us. 

We are the living dead. Our only chance to reach through the Ouija board, to commune with the living, is through phone calls and the occasional visit. Where the people we reach out to can take the tales back to those we once knew, and still love, to remind them that we aren't completely dead. At least not yet. 

Almost without exception our circles close on the day we get locked up. Our circle of friends and family, sealed on that day, only to get smaller over time. Hardly ever, is anyone added to the circle. They seem to be exclusively removed. By death, time, or just the momentum of life. Until we are standing alone, when our circle shrinks to a point. 

It is unheard of, for someone's circle to grow behind these walls. Only a miracle could account for the water flowing in reverse. I find myself lucky enough to be a part of the miraculous. So are you. 

This whole experiment was meant to be an outlet for my writing. It has become SO much more. It is a platform for my thoughts, a venue for my heart, and a meeting place for friends and family, both old and new. 

I wanted, I needed, to express my genuine gratitude for everyone who's stepped into this circle. Your presence keeps the flame that was once all but extinguished in my heart, alive. Every time you like a post, tweet, or comment on something I've written that flame gets a little brighter. I read EVERY SINGLE comment with wide eyed enthusiasm and excitement. 

My poor saint of a mother is probably going crazy with all the screen grabs she has to send me. 

The idea that some of you may not know how much your gracious thoughts and inspiring words mean to me, is something that I can stand no longer.

I read your posts in my bunk, on my little tablet. I zoom in on the tiny blurry pics and wonder all about you. I'm amazed at your interest and feel an instant connection and camaraderie. I share your excitement and inspiration about the things I write. Because at the end of the day they're not mine. Yes, they come from me, but they're not mine. No one owns Truth. 

I just have a unique perspective because I'm incarcerated, that mixes with a need to report on the things that we all think and feel. And I think that's why this page works. Why we all find ourselves standing in the same circle.

So if you have ever read anything I've written, if you've ever liked a post or tweet, and especially if you've taken the time to send me a message, or comment on a piece, I thank you with all heart and I owe you. You will never truly know what it means to me, or how much you've given me, when you reach through that electronic Ouija board and bring me, ever so briefly, back to the land of the living.

If I can't be out there with you, at least my words can live for me. I only deliver them but you sustain them. 

This isn't some abstract thank you. If you, yes YOU, have ever taken part, I am personally speaking to you. Only for the sake of privacy and work load for mom, I am not dropping individual names and messages. So friends old and new... I thank you from the bottom of my heart..And please don't put away those Ouija boards... XOXO..........Bobby C!

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