A Feeling

Something is missing, 

whether lost along the way or born without, 

of this I am not sure.

I will stumble in my description, 

but find resolved in our shared amnesia. 

Scattered missing posters, lacking clarity, 

brought forth by blind sketch artists.

We all know this void, but cannot elaborate. 

An unspoken truth felt by all, 

consequences lie heavy in our coping with this loss.

Worldly miseries summoned while attempting to replace, 

destined to fail. 

The struggle to name this void confounds me, 

the feeling is all too familiar.

The words ever elusive, 

my only solace in this emptiness is the company. 

Ours is a shared past,

a shared origin.

You are not the only one, 

not whole, 

not now. 

I fear what is lacking may not be recoverable on this side of mortality.

God help the natural world, whose needs overlap with man’s desires.

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