2nd Place Scars

  The pain is no longer a sharp debilitating feeling that knots my throat and wobbles my knees. It's changed... It has consolidated into an ever present gravity that sits just behind my heart. And though it hasn't left completely, it is fading, and I fear that I can do nothing more to stop it. 

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BC Kim Comments

Sure I missed the camaraderie, the loyalty, and especially the laughs, the laughs that come from so deep in your gut that they take years off your life but are completely worth it.

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BC Kim Comment

When it comes to, say Al Franken pretending to honk a pair of boobs over a flack jacket vest while smiling for a photo, compared with Matt Lauer having a secret button installed on the desk in his office, allowing him to lock the door without getting up, so he could drop trow without worry of a coworker escaping before getting a regrettable eyeful of 'unwanted Lauer', Are they equal? And if they're not equal, should the punishment or repercussions be the same across the board? 

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BC KimComment

Emerson writes so well that he simultaneously inspires as well as overshadows those writers unfortunate enough to be born after his mastery of our craft…is everything post Emerson just an epilogue at best? 


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BC KimComment

The whole point of this beautifully terrifying rollercoaster ride called life, is the sudden drops and the stomach turning rolls. For those are the only things you talk about after the ride.

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BC KimComment